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Jason LeBlanc on his 6th anniversary with NeuronicWorks
Jason LeBlanc is the team lead for the industrial and mechanical design departments at NeuronicWorks. He oversees all mechanical and industrial design related tasks—everything from CAD designs, to detail research into cost properties and machining choices.
Celebrating his 6th anniversary at NeuronicWorks—and one of the longest-serving team members at the company—most days Jason can be found hard at work doing digital product sketches (and sometimes still with paper and pen!) or doing detailed CAD modelling.

This guy is always smiling
Fun Facts:
I just had a baby boy in August, and I bought a house in October! And I love so much my job that I commute a total of 2 hours (or more!) from north of the city to get to the office.
Guilty Pleasure:
I really like watching DIY home renovation videos on YouTube. They can finally come in handy now that I’ve bought a house! I also love snow blowing the driveway—I find it really relaxing…
Funniest experience working at NeuronicWorks:
We had worked a really long day, and at the end of it our founder asked if we could help install a door in our new office space. We got it done but as we closed the door we realized that it was about 8 inches too short! We were all so exhausted that this was suddenly the funniest thing in the world and we all just died laughing. We ended up just leaving the door and said “We’ll just deal with this tomorrow.” Maybe you had to be there—or at least be as tired as we were!
...We got it done but as we closed the door we realized that it was about 8 inches too short!...
How has the company evolved during the six years you’ve been here?
When I started there were only 6 or 7 people, and I was the only designer. Since then I’ve watched the company quadruple in size—both employees and in office space. In the early days it was small clients with tight deadlines, and today we work with much bigger clients, bigger budgets, and on longer term projects. It’s been exciting to see the calibre of the projects we get to work on go up and up. But I like that we still make room to work with start-ups and support them, since we were one ourselves not that long ago.
What has been the biggest challenge you have faced working at NeuronicWorks?
Ironically, it’s the technology itself. It changes and shifts so fast that once you have a good grasp of something, it changes! So the pace of change is something you really have to keep up with to stay ahead of the curve and up to date for the clients. That, and the traffic on my commute!
We have a really diverse team of engineers and designers, and we all bring different angles to the projects we work on.
What are 3 words you would use to describe NeuronicWorks?
Nimble. Detailed. Successful.
Nimble because we’re able to adapt quickly. We work on big projects, but our company itself is still small enough that the process of designing a product doesn’t have to go through layers and layers of bureaucracy. We work with more agility than that.
Detailed because we’re all engineers and designers who have that detail-oriented mindset.
And successful because every year we just keep growing, which is great.
What has been your proudest moment at the company?
I feel like most of what I’m proudest of here has all been a really collaborative, team effort. But the individual achievements I’m most proud of were when I acted as a bridge between a couple of our biggest clients and our company.
For one client, that meant helping to bridge the communication between us and them, and that connection helped bring in a lot of revenue to the company.
For the other, it meant working over a long weekend to get their product out. And with me delivering my end, it led to other projects from that company to support the product—hardware, firmware, software—and it brought a lot of other people here into the project.
What do you think makes NeuronicWorks unique?
We have a really diverse team of engineers and designers, and we all bring different angles to the projects we work on.
And we also have a great, flexible work environment which is great for morale. For example, I work from home two days a week and to have that option is huge. I think that kind of flexibility and benefits attracts talent and leads to better hires.
What’s the best thing about your job?
Working alongside my friends, really. And I love seeing new clients come to us with the latest and greatest ideas and getting a peak behind that curtain. I love seeing products through from idea to design to out on the market.
What would you do for a career if you were not doing this?
Either a professional baseball player, or a rock star.
Tell us something that most of your coworkers wouldn't know about you.
I’m a French Maritimer who can’t swim and doesn’t eat lobster!