NeuronicWorks celebrates its 15th Anniversary

By NeuronicWorks Team

It is a great moment of pride for us at NeuronicWorks, as we celebrate our 15th anniversary. Over the years we have experienced steady growth, hitting many goals and thanks to the hard work and dedication of our team, have reached another milestone.

We would not be where we are today without the hard work, dedication and support of our team, trust of our customers and and the continuous support of our partners. Thank you to each of you who have contributed in one way or the other to our success.

Here’s a brief walk down memory lane, listing some of the milestones achieved over the years: NeuronicWorks Timeline (2009 to 2023)

With every milestone we achieve, we realize that our responsibilities as a company grow and we dream bigger, aim higher and strive to achieve more. Knowing that we are making a positive difference to the economy, the tech ecosystem and to the design engineering and manufacturing community inspires us to continue to innovate and create.

Here’s what Titu Botos, our CEO has to say about the journey so far:

“It is remarkable when we reflect on the past – the multitude of projects designed and delivered, the numerous small victories and the abundance of creative energy expended. The journey has not been without its share of lessons from which we have learnt and continue to learn.

Despite the challenges of the last few years, we continue to improve the quality of our designs and manufactured products, the complexity of our projects, our manufacturing capabilities and capacity, and the expansion of our markets, both in terms of industries served and geographic reach.

The credit for this growth belongs to our dedicated team, both past and present, whose confidence, devotion, and hard work have been humbling.

Fifteen years may feel like a lifetime, yet we maintain a startup ethos - remaining flexible, versatile, agile, and hungry for more. The opening of our manufacturing arm, a couple of years ago, marked a pivotal moment. Now, not only can we serve our customers end-to-end, from design and prototyping to certification and turn-key manufacturing, but we’ve also unlocked significant new avenues for development and growth. Combined with our diverse design capabilities, this vertical integration provides stability for the future and takes us to the next level.

Looking ahead, there are vast opportunities and untapped potential to be explored, and it feels like only the beginning.”

Again, our team has been the cornerstone of our success. We have team members who have been with us from a very long time and here’s what a few of them have to say about their experience as a Neuron:

I want to congratulate Simona, Titu and the rest of the NeuronicWorks team for an incredible milestone! 15 years in business! I’ve been lucky enough to share this journey with you for the last 10 years. I have learned so much from all the engineers and designers that share our passion for product design.

Here’s to another 15 years! Cheers

When I first joined the company, we were a very small team of around 9 or 10 people. Over the years, the number of projects we have worked on has increased, the team has grown, the tools and equipment at our disposal has increased and the office space has grown considerably. But it is great to see the same passion and energy carried through over the years.

It has been a wonderful experience to work amongst such friendly and talented folks at NeuronicWorks. Since joining the team nearly eight years ago, it has been both exciting and rewarding to deliver countless projects, grow the team size from 15 to over 60, and help entrepreneurs and startups turn their dreams into reality. I look forward to all the great things still to come.

Working for the company for almost 7 years, I’ve learnt one important thing: Sometimes, when the project seems impossible to complete if we work hard together - everything becomes possible!

Another thing:

A huge variety of projects and exposure to advanced technologies makes our work very interesting!

I joined NeuronicWorks in February 2017 and was the first PM for the company. We, as a team, defined and developed the PMO guidelines and practices for the company and implemented using SmartSheet. At NWI, the learning opportunities are enormous, even after being in the R&D industry for over 12 years, I still learn something new every day.

We are excited about what the future holds for us and look forward to creating and manufacturing complex, smart, powerful, reliable, and sustainable designs.

Yours in Design and Manufacturing,

NeuronicWorks Team

Bringing a feasible idea from concept to deployment is both challenging and expensive, though it is extremely rewarding when done right and with the support of the right resources. If you are looking for a design partner to bring your idea into a working prototype, look no further, contact us today to see how we can help you realize your dreams.

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