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Spotlight: Michael Fraimovich
What do you like most about your role as a Senior Hardware Engineer?
The variety of domains, applications and the varying scale of projects is what I like most about my role. Working in design engineering ensures that no two projects are the same and it’s interesting to be challenged by unique projects. The required curiosity, creativity and the freedom of design decisions, which are the inherent parts of our design culture, are the most fun part of the job.
I also like seeing a project from start to end, which is usually not possible in larger engineering organizations where sometimes projects can go on for years without an end in sight.
Can you describe your journey here at NeuronicWorks?
When I first joined the company, it was a very small team of just 9 or 10 people. The team was very hands-on and involved in the few projects we had at the time. We worked shoulder to shoulder to make projects happen. Over time, we started getting a lot more projects, the team grew, our tools and equipment grew and evolved, and the office size grew. It has been interesting to see the office size increasing, from a three rooms office (in an office building with a challenging 😉 heating and cooling system) to a stand-alone building.
It's great to see the same passion and energy carried through over the years.
What drew you to NeuronicWorks originally?
I was earlier working for large companies in the military aerospace and later in the automotive sector. The projects were very long and there was a lot of engineering, but not much electronics design per se. It was always my dream to work in electronic boards design oriented company as opposed to a single product engineering and that’s what drew me to NeuronicWorks. There was an exciting portfolio of projects I could work on.
What have your biggest accomplishments been here at NeuronicWorks?
It’s hard to define a particular moment or project. Every time I learn something new, I consider it an accomplishment. And every time we deliver a project, I consider it an achievement. It is a great feeling to see something designed and deployed.
How many projects have you worked on till date?
I have no idea, stopped counting after the 100th.
What was the most challenging project?
Any project that involves learning a new domain in which I have no experience is considered challenging. In most cases we apply our engineering skills, experience, and follow best practices, but in some cases, we must take a step back, pause and learn. It means digging for information, asking knowledgeable and more experienced teammates, researching literature, or looking for guidance from other sources.
We are currently working on a high-power conversion project where I am learning something new every day. It has been a great learning experience and we are lucky to work with wonderful, knowledgeable teammates on this project.
What's your favorite part of working at NeuronicWorks?
The fun and the satisfaction of the design process. It may sound repetitive, but I like being able to finish what has been started. The variety of projects and the diversity of the team are two other factors that I greatly appreciate. It’s only when we talk to others, we realize there are such absolutely incredible facets to their lives. I cherish those talks and have made some great friends along the way.
What advice would you provide to someone interested in Hardware designing?
I would suggest opting for hardware designing only if at a younger age you had fun taking things apart and putting them back together in the wrong order just to see what happens.
Try new ideas, keep researching, dig around and read resources for inspiration. As a hardware designer, we have the fantastic opportunity to learn, try and implement something new and unique.
What would you tell someone who is joining the company for the first time?
My advice would be to stay focused on the task at hand; focus on what needs to be done and delivered. Be methodical in finding the right solution and try new things. Another important point I would mention is to always read the manuals and understand the specs.
Also, please find the time to talk to the people around you. There are so many different people from varying backgrounds and both professional and non-professional experiences that comprise the team. There is always something new to learn. It is also fun to find out that the person beside you is a professional chef or a jewelry maker.
Ask and listen, be curious and have fun.
How do you see yourself in the next couple of years?
I hope to see myself in the same or a similar role as I am today, an Electronics Hardware Designer. I do have quite a bit of experience working for other organizations and in other roles, but I have realized that nothing satisfied me more than designing new boards and make them work.