Electronic Components Obsolescence Management

Manufacturers of legacy or older PCBA modules are always on the look for solutions to incorporate newer technology components to replace obsolete, Not Recommended for New Design (NRFND) and difficult to source components in the North American supply chain.

When you encounter multiple obsolete, NRFND or long lead time / no franchised supplier stock available for electronic components, NeuronicWorks Inc. has several solutions at our disposal to help you return efficiently to manufacturing.

We help you with obsolescence management by finding and validating the required components. If we cannot find suitable fit, Form and Functional alternates, we have the capabilities to modify or completely redesign PCB modules using well researched, supply chain available components with firmware development if needed. Our technical experts can analyze your products lifecycle and can make recommendations for alternative longer-life parts to avoid obsolescence.

We work with the best in the industry and have a strong network of partners that include AVNET, Arrow Electronics, Future Electronics, Mouser Electronics, Digi-Key that can provide critical component supply chain information and stocking capabilities.

Avnet Logo

Arrow Logo

Future Logo

Mouser Logo

Digi-key Logo

Being a strong design partner to electronic component manufacturers like Analog Devices, Microchip, ST Microelectronics, Samtec, Silicon Labs, among others, allows our customers access to the latest information on both current components’ life cycle status and future technology road maps, along with access to their evaluation boards and technical support.

Analog Devices Logo

Microchip Logo

St Micro Logo

Samtec Logo

Silicon Labs Logo

The NeuronicWorks Hardware design team, PCB design engineers and Firmware development team have years of expertise redesigning legacy PCBA modules with active new components. We update legacy ECAD schematic capture and PCB layout files from Altium Designer, Cadence ORCAD PCB, Allego PCB, Mentor Graphics (Siemens EDA) PADS, Autodesk EAGLE CARD and KiCad EDA.

We will work closely with you to find the best possible solution to meet your deadlines, and any subsequent PCBA module re-design project budget.

Access our blog on Electronic Components Obsolescence and Supply Chain Shortage Management


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