INDUSTRIAL | HARDWARE | Software | Web App Design

quickest 3D scanner in the world

The system instantaneously captures images from 120+ cameras and renders them into a realistic digital model. Captured 3D models then rendered into a pose and digitally enhanced by the artists in Selftraits studio for 3D printing. The result is 3D printed miniature that could serve as amazing personalized gift. The Selftraits 3D body scanner is designed for Objex Unlimited, sister affiliate of Selftraits.

SelfTraits 3D image studio setup inside view
SelfTraits 3D image studio setup side view

project scope

NeuronicWorks was presented with a project from Objex Unlimited to design a stationary and then a mobile version of a full body 3D scanner. Our team worked on industrial design, hardware, firmware and software for the system. We later developed a secure online store solution for Selftraits clients to easy order prints of their 3D models.

mobility in its core

We worked closely with Objex Unlimited design team on the shape of the scanner. The challenge was to create a design that is easy to assemble, manage and troubleshoot, at the same time providing the superior quality of photos taken.

SelfTraits 3D image studio setup top view
SelfTraits 3D image studio setup top view

mobility in its core

We worked closely with Objex Unlimited design team on the shape of the scanner. The challenge was to create a design that is easy to assemble, manage and troubleshoot, at the same time providing the superior quality of photos taken.

SelfTraits 3D image studio webapp


NeuronicWorks developed an e-store for Objex Unlimited, through which the clients can access their shots, choose the model they wish to order and follow to an easy checkout process. The store is equipped with the client management system and a cloud database.

SelfTraits 3D image studio 3D printed model examples

Selftraits Online Store

Secure e-commerce solution

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